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Trending YouTubes algorithms in 2023

Trending YouTubes algorithms in 2023

Ehsan Mirghafouri

Read time: 17 min

December 20, 2023

5 trending YouTubes algorithms in 2023 that will increase your views

In today’s digital world, YouTubes algorithms play a key role in determining what video is shown to viewers. For content producers and marketers, understanding these algorithms means an opportunity to improve visibility and increase engagement with the audience. In fact, YouTubes algorithms are a roadmap that, if used correctly, can help you optimize your content strategies and achieve better results.

YouTube uses different algorithms to recommend videos to users. These algorithms are based on several factors, such as the user’s search history, watched videos, watch time, the amount of interactions such as likes and comments, as well as the amount and recency of a channel’s video release. Therefore, producing high-quality content that has the ability to attract and keep the viewer’s attention is a basic principle. Also, using relevant keywords and detailed descriptions, increasing user interactions and constantly updating content can help improve your video’s ranking in search results and YouTube suggestions.

Therefore, understanding YouTubes algorithms and optimize SEO for YouTube strategies can give your videos and short videos a competitive edge on YouTube and help you attract more audiences to your videos.

YouTube’s algorithms

2023 Trending Algorithms

YouTube continuously changes and evolves its algorithms to provide a better user experience. In addition, these changes will also help content producers to share their content more effectively and be able to display their videos and youtube shorts video to a larger number of viewers. According to the policies and strategies of YouTube, in some cases, some algorithms are given more attention than others. In the following, we have discussed the 5 trending algorithms of YouTube that have received more attention in 2023:

1. Watch Time algorithm

YouTube’s Watch Time algorithm in 2023 is more focused on its evolution with the aim of increasing user satisfaction than changing its patterns. This algorithm takes advantage of the long-term relationship between the video creator and its viewer and examines it with emerging technologies.

The purpose of the Watch Time algorithm is to serve the viewer, so understanding the preferences of the audience will help the algorithm to favor your content. Content creators are encouraged to focus on audience engagement rather than algorithm optimization by considering the best time or frequency to upload.

In short, to be affected by the YouTube Watch Time algorithm in 2023, as a video producer, you should prioritize content quality and viewer satisfaction in the first step. Make building long-term relationships with your audience an important goal in your YouTube video traffic improvement strategies.

This algorithm gives great importance to viewer interaction, viewing time, and relevance of content to the viewer.

youtube shorts video

2. User Engagement Algorithm

In 2023, YouTube emphasize more on the relationship between users and channel owners, hence giving more importance to the User Engagement algorithm. This algorithm uses interactive data such as likes, comments, shares, and survey responses to evaluate how much users engage with content. Videos that are more interactive are more likely to be suggested to other users by the algorithm.

The impact of this algorithm on video views is very high. Videos with high engagement are not only more likely to appear in users’ home feeds, but are also more likely to appear in the “Suggested Videos” section alongside other videos. This can lead to a significant increase in traffic and channel growth.

To benefit from this algorithm, you need to create content that really grabs your audience’s attention and encourages them to interact. Creating hooks in the beginning of your content and using a variety of calls to actions that encourage users to comment and like, as well as replying to comments and building an active community of users can help you a lot to be noticed by this algorithm. In addition to the aforementioned, creating content that can encourage your viewers to return to your channel and Increase Watch Hours on YouTube can have a significant impact on the ranking of your videos in the YouTube algorithm in 2023.

3. CRT algorithm

Click-Through Rate (CTR) on YouTube is the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of views of a video. In 2023, CTR is still one of the key metrics in YouTube’s algorithm that has a significant impact on how videos appear in users’ feeds. Videos with a high CTR indicate that their title and thumbnail are attractive enough to make the user click on the video.

YouTube’s algorithm considers this signal as a sign of the quality and attractiveness of the content and, as a result, exposes videos with more high CTR. This can lead to increased views and improved video placement in search results and algorithmic recommendations.

In order to improve CTR, it is recommended that video creators, in addition to content, focus on producing attractive titles and thumbnails related to the video content. In addition, you can experiment with different titles, descriptions, and thumbnail designs to get the best results to get a better understanding of what catches your audience’s attention. Also, careful evaluation of user data and feedback can be helpful in better understanding how to improve CTR.

 4. Relevance algorithm

In 2023, YouTube’s Relevance algorithm will still serve as one of the mainstays in determining which videos to recommend to users. This algorithm looks for connections between video content and user interests. Videos that follow topics related to users’ search and viewing history are more likely to appear in video suggestions and search results.

The relevance algorithm has a significant impact on video views. In this case, trending videos usually have more views and are more attention-grabbing. Also, this algorithm allows users to find videos that are most likely to satisfy them, which can help increase loyalty and long-term engagement.

To make optimal use of the Relevance algorithm, it is recommended that content creators focus on relevant keywords, tags, and detailed descriptions. In addition, creating content that speaks directly to the specific interests and needs of the target audience can increase the relevance of videos and thus have a positive impact on video views.

Increase Watch Hours on YouTube

5. Notice and increase the use of short YouTube videos

In 2023, YouTube Shorts algorithm have become an important part of the YouTube platform, and YouTubes algorithms have been optimized to better recommend short content to users who are likely to enjoy it.

YouTube Shorts are short vertical videos designed for quick viewing, allowing users to consume a lot of content in a short amount of time and creating an opportunity for content creators to reach new audiences. Hence, it is recommended to change your YouTube channel strategies in such a way that you share at least 3 to 4 YouTube shorts video during the month.

The impact of using YouTube Shorts on video views can be significant, as these videos are often featured in special areas of the platform, such as the Shorts tab and home page, which results in increased visibility and faster channel growth.

Case Study – Analysis of a successful channel

Let’s take a look at the KWOWK channel as an example. By focusing on providing interesting and interactive cooking instructions, using attractive thumbnails and updating its content with current cooking trends, the channel has been able to increase the number of views and user engagement significantly. No user is more impatient than a hungry viewer. Providing recipes in the shortest possible time using YouTube Shorts has also helped the channel to grow rapidly.

In KWOWK, relatively YouTube shorts video are shared, in which cooking recipes are shown step by step. These videos are designed in such a way that the viewer follows the instructions from start to finish, which helps Increase Watch Hours on YouTube.

Also, the use of interactive techniques such as asking viewers for their opinions on instructions, encouraging them to share their experiences, and questions about future instructions have increased user engagement.

Look at the picture below, without a doubt, the unique combination of colors and this attractive title will tempt you to watch this video.

YouTube content

A look into the future

Considering YouTube’s increasing focus on user experience and consumption of video content, it can be predicted that future algorithms will move more towards understanding the individual needs and preferences of users. This means that YouTubes algorithms may move towards deeper analysis of viewer behavior and fine-tune results based on this data. Also, as the use of artificial intelligence grows, we may see a more sophisticated application of pattern recognition technologies in content, which can have a greater impact on how videos are categorized and recommended.

Undoubtedly, one of the major challenges in front of you will be adapting to the rapid and continuous changes of these YouTube algorithms. As a result, you need to constantly keep up with the latest YouTube content trends and algorithm updates and improve the quality of your video production, so you may need to research and spend more time or collaborate with experts in this field to upgrade your channel.

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  1. How does the YouTube algorithm determine which videos to recommend to me?

– Answer: The YouTube algorithm uses a variety of factors, including your watch history, search history, and engagement with videos, to recommend content. It also considers the popularity of videos and relevance to your interests.

  1. Why do some videos suddenly go viral on YouTube?

– Answer: Virality on YouTube is often influenced by a combination of factors such as high engagement, shares on social media, and positive viewer feedback. The algorithm tends to promote videos that attract a lot of attention in a short period.

  1. Can the use of keywords impact the visibility of my videos on YouTube?

– Answer: Yes, using relevant and specific keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags can positively impact your video’s visibility. However, it’s important to focus on natural and accurate representation of your content rather than keyword stuffing.

  1. How often does the YouTube algorithm update?

– Answer: YouTube regularly updates its algorithm to improve user experience. The updates can happen frequently, and they are aimed at refining recommendations, ensuring fairness, and adapting to changes in user behavior.

  1. Do thumbnails and video titles affect how the algorithm promotes my videos?

– Answer: Yes, compelling thumbnails and titles can increase the click-through rate of your videos. The algorithm takes into account user engagement, and visually appealing thumbnails and clear titles can attract more viewers.

  1. What is the importance of watch time in YouTube’s algorithm?

– Answer: Watch time is a crucial factor. Videos with higher watch time are more likely to be recommended. It’s not just about getting clicks; it’s about keeping viewers engaged throughout the video.


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